PROther® is a hyperproteic food for special medical purposes constituted of non-denatured whey proteins of high biological value (DIF16WPI), intended for the dietary management of subjects presenting skeletal muscle mass loss (sarcopenia) due to protein malnutrition, ageing and/or chronic diseases. Sarcopenia generates the requirement of a high protein intake, however, the conditions in which it occurs are accompanied by a lack of appetite, feeding difficulties and/or malnutrition. Whey protein isolate is particularly appropriate in this context due to the high concentration (≥92.5%), high biological value of the proteins it supplies, and their digestibility, which optimizes absorption, thus promoting an increased protein intake in the diet. Non-denatured proteins represent a concentrated source of bio-available Cysteine, a precursor and determinant nutrient in the synthesis of Glutathione, whose intracellular concentration decreases in a condition of protein deficiency. Since Glutathione is involved in protein synthesis, an increased intake of its precursor is particularly appropriate in the dietary management of Sarcopenia. PROther® is suited to oral nutrition and enteral feeding through NG and/or PEG tube of patients with chewing and swallowing issues, in accordance with the instructions for use written in the dedicated paragraph.
The recommended daily dose is 1 or 2 sachets.
Considering its solubility, 1-2 sachets of PROther® can be administered through NG and/or PEG tube diluted in 500-1000 ml of water, depending on the water and protein requirements of the patient, on its own or combined with other food suitable for enteral feeding, following medical advice. For oral administration, pour 1 or 2 sachets of PROther® into a glass. Add 150-200 ml of water or any other drink (milk, tea), as long as cold or at least at room temperature. Stir briefly (without using a blender) and drink immediately.