Difass International obtains patent in China on usage of resveratrol and essential oil of cloves for the treatment of itching

Difass International obtains patent in China on usage of resveratrol and essential oil of cloves for
The 6th April 2016, Chinese Office for Intellectual Property granted Difass International patent No. ZL201280024157.7 on usage of resveratrol and essential oil of cloves for the treatment of itching, entitled: “Compositions containing resveratrol and essential oil of cloves for the treatment of itching".
At the moment Difass is waiting for the official communication regarding the European patent, that will be granted shortly. Patent is still pending also in Ukraine, Brasil, India, USA and Eurasia.
The Italian patent No. 1406337 was granted on the 21st February 2014, entitled: “Composizioni comprendenti resveratrolo e olio essenziale di chiodi di garofano per il trattamento del prurito".

After hearing the news regarding the concession of the patent, R&D Director, Alida Agostini, expressed her enthusiasm on the result obtained by Difass International, a company that has always been very focused on research aimed at improving its stakeholders’ well-being. She also added that “after years from the deposit of the application, achieving the concession of the patent by a country like China, that has always been an high supporter and promoter of food properties in the maintenance of psychophysical well-being, represents an important step for the company, also in terms of consolidation of the internationalisation process started some years ago.”

Difass International is a company specialised in the design, development, formulation and sale of Nutraceuticals, Cosmetics, Medical devices and Foods for special medical purposes, offering its expertise in regulatory, productive and marketing terms. Currently Difass can rely on more than 150 people between internal staff and qualified Medical Reps, who present the products to  Medical Professionals, covering almost all of the national territory, and it realises and licenses its own references also to third companies operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

UPDATE: The 2nd August 2016, Difass received grant's official notification of the European Patent n. 2 709 606, with the same title of the patent already granted in China.